The Advantages of Blog

The advance of information technology especially internet brings some benefits in the way people communicate. Almost of human activities are connected with internet as the largest source of information. One of the commonly used media through the internet is weblog, or which is known as blog. Blog offers many advantages for society dealings with some aspects, such as social, economy, and education.
The first advantage of blog comes from social realm. As we know, the basic aim of blog is to share information from one person to another. People can easily tell everything on their mind, share some experiences, and also give some information to their families, friends, and even to other people accessing their blog. Moreover, they can also extend their connection and open some new links with other people. These, obviously, will emerge a good interaction that so-called social networking. Therefore, the use of blog is so worthwhile in supporting social relationship between people around the world.
The second advantage of blog is dealing with economy side. Nowadays, it is not something impossible to earn an income through the internet, including blog. We can easily gain money when people are accessing our blog. Indeed, we have done certain agreement first with the responsible service provider. Besides, blog also gives some benefits for marketing and advertisement. Since blog is easily accessed by people, it is really helpful to promote and marketize our products globally. Also, blog offers more spaces for many kinds of advertisements; accordingly, it is easier to promote our products through bombastic and interesting advertisement published in blog.
The final advantage of blog is from education side. Blog has a significant influence in improving people’s knowledge. We can get many information, news, general knowledge, and sometimes the journal of science published in blog. Besides, blog is so worthwhile in developing our writing skill. When we are posting something in...