Dd210 Psychology Tma 5

TMA 5 Part 1   DD210

Excerpt II Coping After Trauma

The excerpt was taken from a leaflet, produced by the Royal College of Psychiatrists Education Editorial Board as a guide to helping people cope following a trauma. The excerpt suggests things to do to help yourself, things to avoid and when you may need to seek professional help.

In the first instance the guide suggests giving yourself time to deal with what has happened, to grieve and to accept what has transpired. To help with the process it suggests that ‘finding out exactly what happened’ will help with facing the reality of the situation, attending funerals and memorials and being with other survivors to gain support. It suggests that if you need support you should ask for it. The leaflet also talks about self care such as taking time out to be alone or with family and friends, also doing ‘normal things’ to take your mind off it, it counsels the need for routine, eating regularly, maybe taking gentle exercise and also being aware of how trauma can make people more vulnerable to accidents.

The advice argues against bottling up your feelings; as this can cause ill health, talk about what happened, how it has impacted you, how you feel. Be gentle on yourself ‘don’t take on to much’, give yourself time before trying to get back into ‘old routines’. Alcohol and drugs are not recommended they may appear a short term fix to block out the pain but can exacerbate the situation in the longer term preventing resolution and may cause ill health and depression. A major point made is not to make major life changes as your judgement may be impaired leading you to make bad ones.

If after some time your feelings are not lessening or are becoming overwhelming you are advised to seek help, similarly if you have no one to talk to, your sleep is becoming affected, maybe your close relationships are becoming strained, your work is being affected and family, friends and colleagues have suggested that you need to...