Understanding Psychology Tma 01

TMA 01 Plan
• Introduction
 Introduce the reader to the 3 methods of organising thoughts that can be utilised to improve memory
 Layout order of topics that will be covered
 Aim – Explain how memory organisation through the use of mental images, concepts and schemas can improve memory recall
• Methods:
o Mental Images
 Explain what a mental image is (What)
 Detail how mental images can be used to improve memory recall (How)
 Provide examples (experiments) where this was tested (Supporting evidence)

o Concepts
 Explain what a concept is (What)
 Show how using concepts can organise memories and assist with recall (How)
 Provide examples (experiments) where this was tested (Supporting evidence)

o Schemas
 Explain what a Schema is (What)
 Show how schemas can assist to increase memory recall (How)
 Provide examples (experiments) where this was tested (Supporting evidence)

• Conclusion
 Re-state how organisation of memories through the use of all 3 methods discussed can improve recall (Summarise) and link to the supporting evidence provided.

TASK 1: Part B
People’s memory may be improved by organising our way of thinking. Three methods have been identified that appear to assist memory recall; these methods are: mental images; concept formation; and schemas, all of which play some part in organising our way of thinking. The aim of this essay is therefore to describe these methods indicating how they can be utilised to improve memory recall.
Mental Images – Creating a mental picture by simply thinking about something can define the term mental image.
Spoors et al. (2011, p. 45) believe that generally ‘as adults, we tend to do most of our thinking in words’, this is referred to as semantic thought, which is thinking based on words and meaning. However, experiments have been carried out that suggest remembering written or verbal information is better for forming a mental image that can be associated to...