Child Care

Unit 1- Understand Children’s and Young People’s Development

The early stages of a child’s life is crucial. All children’s development is measured through emotional, social, physical, intellectual and language developmental milestones. Therefore, all children needs to be supported at all times, meeting their day to day individual needs in order for them to grow and develop effectively.

Every child develops differently and at different rates. As development is described in different areas such as physical, cognitive, linguistic, spiritual, social and emotional; children’s milestones must be taken into consideration supporting each and every one of them to succeed onto their next stage of developmental milestone (Barbel and Paul, 2010). As mentioned above, children’s developmental and rate of learning is different as all children are unique and develop at their own pace. Babies from birth to the age of one year’s show different progress than toddlers from one to three years of age. For instance, as babies develop holistically, they tend to use their physical skills by trying to control their body movements through moving their hands and legs whilst trying to play with a certain toy. This not only shows the development of physical abilities, but it also enables them to develop other developmental areas such as intellectual, communication and emotional well-being.

Babies from nought to one also express their feelings through smiling, engaging and vocalising with other babies and staff. They tend to show anxiety towards strangers. The attachment and emotional well-being is essential in which John Bowlby's (1990) theory identifies. Mentioning the importance of attachment and emotional well-being, Mary Ainsworth who is a psychologist, provided research contributing to the explanations of individual differences in attachment.   Ainsworth produced an assessment technique called the strange situation classification where she investigates how attachments might...