Yuny and His Wife, Renenutet

Work of art that influenced me the most to write about from Metropolitan Museum of Art was a sculpture of Yuny and His Wife, Renenutet. The subjects of this pair statue, were members of Egypt's nobility from city of Asyut. Figures were constructed during 1294 to 1279 B.C.. The statue, which was carved out of Limestone was found in the tomb of Yuny's father, Amenhotep, therefore there were at least two generations and two families found within the single tomb.
The statue is more than half life-size of Yuny.   Yuny was a chief and royal clerk, holder of many offices. Yuny’s responsibilities were written decoratively on the base of the statue. The sculptor presents remarkable carving work, with a lot of detail, such as smooth lines conveying to the viewer elegant clothing, coiffures, and jewelry worn by the Ramesside nobility.
Due to high religious positions; Yuny and Renenutet wear the extravagant wigs and fine linen clothing, fashionable during their time. On the center fold of Yuny’s shirt is ancient Egyptian inscription that translates to: "May everything that comes forth upon the offering table of the god ... and all pure food that comes forth from the Great Enclosure be for the chief scribe, royal scribe of letters, Yuny, justified." While on the back of the chair there are two scenes illustrating the ancient Egyptian ideal traditions passed down from one generation to the next.
In one of the scenes, the son of Yuny and Renenutet passes gifts to his parents; while in the second scene, Yuny and Renenutet offer food and drinks to Renenutet’s parents. Renenutet was a woman with very beautiful features; which is demonstrated very well by the artist. Renenutet also was a temple-ritual singer, of Amun-Re. The double aspect necklace of large lenticular beads was called a broad collar.   Broad collar was known as the "gold of valor,” which was the decoration given by the king for distinguished service. The Yuny statue is a beautiful example of "post Amarna" art.