You and Evidences

     Specific evidence is facts used to strengthen a claim, support an argument, or reach a conclusion.  Specific evidence is constantly used in this play.  Antony expresses the positive aspects of what Caesar has done for Rome.  Antony states that Caesar refused the crown three times since he did not want to imitate a king or tyrant ruler.  The citizens loved him for that and at the moment of the funeral, they are sided with Brutus for Brutus only explained one side of Caesar that was his downfall, his ambition.  Antony also not quite directly expresses how Caesar’s ambition was actually good for Rome.  Julius Caesar conquered Gaul and had many military victories since of his ambition.  Caesar’s emotions also played an important role as he cried when the people suffered.  “When the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept;” (III.ii.98).   Antony also states that Caesar had brought ransoms from captives to Rome to put in the government’s treasury.  With all of these memoirs, this gets the people to start thinking.  Antony uses the specific evidence from past events, which were all successes and achievements for Caesar and for Rome.  The people are now persuaded to keep listening to Antony as they nearly forget what Brutus had said was the fault of Caesar.  During the speech, Antony wants the people to know that Caesar was his friend.  “He was my friend, faithful and just to me;”  (III.ii.92).  The spectators know that Antony is very smart and noble, so when he says Caesar was his friend, the people realize how much Antony honors him.  Antony persuades the people not just by using specific evidence, but by also including repetition of phrases and words to get the people deep in thought.

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