Why Music Important in Curriculum

Music can contribute too many different factors, these can be sub-divided into categories such as:-
• Social Development
• Cultural Understanding
• Physical Development
• Personal Development

Their social development can be improved by the class learning together in groups. This would encourage them to share and exchange ideas, and perhaps be critical or positive towards them. It also exposes the child to other people’s thoughts and opinions, as well as their emotions, allowing the child’s emotional awareness of themselves and others to progress. This can lead to more extensive communication between children thus enhancing their social skills.

A child’s cultural understanding can come from many sources like listening to foreign music. This can enlighten a child, opening new doors to different styles of culture and music from around the world. It stimulates the brain and makes the child wonder, why there is a difference between music from different cultures, and how those differences came to exist? This can help in other subjects such as RE, History and Geography, depending on the child’s individual interest in the topic (QCDA, 1999). Listening to music from other cultures broadens the child’s musical knowledge and exposure. This can help in later life, for example if organising a social gathering the choice of music would be paramount to the tone of the evening.

The physical development of a child can be enriched by music through the teaching of rhythm which is vital if the child is to play an instrument and dance in time to a piece of music. Being able to play an instrument enables a child to exercise their musical talent and brain, opening doors to possibilities like joining a band or orchestra which would encourage socialising. It would also enable a child to emotionally express themselves and escape any day to day stresses. There are organisations to help with child stress, which uses music and dance as a release of their emotions. (MENC, 2002)...