Why Americans Do Not Vote

Many qualified Americans choose not to vote for elections on all levels for many reasons. This may seem surprising because voting is a major and direct way for citizens to be involved in the government. People make excuses saying things like their vote is too small to matter, the lines to vote are too long and a waste of time, or they don’t know enough about the candidates to care to make a decision. In order to increase voter turnout, the government could offer tax breaks to voters; develop alternate, more convenient methods for voting; and making learning about the election easier.
Americans who choose not to vote do so because they do not think it is worth the time and effort to wait in line. If the government offered a tax credit to all those who spent the time at the booths voting, they could increase citizen involvement in the government. The government already encourages marriage and family life because they are good for society by giving tax refunds, and they could also encourage the good that comes from involvement in government. In Australia, all people who do not vote are fined $15. That kind of disincentive may seem unconstitutional; however, a positive incentive such as a tax refund would encourage voters without punishing those who still wish not to vote.  
Another way to increase voter turnout is to make voting more convenient. Voting takes time because it happens on only one day of the year and everyone has to vote on the same day. There are long lines at voting venues and people have busy lives that don’t include time to vote. The government could develop a cell phone app to make voting easier. The app would allow voters to vote on their own time without waiting in lines. Technology is growing and developing, and society is growing around it. Most Americans use their phones to do everything already, and an app for voting would make voting seem like less of a chore and more of a regular daily activity.
In recent elections, 26% of the 15...