“Whoever Does Wrong, Wrongs Himself.”

Marcus Aurelius once said: “Whoever does wrong, wrongs himself.” This quote is a

prime example of karma. Karma basically states do good things and good things happen to you and

do bad things and bad things happen to you, everything you do to someone else will come back to

you. It means that if you intentionally do wrong to someone, the consequences affect you the most.

If you hurt someone or get someone into trouble, you will get hurt and into trouble. If you choose to

do bad, you're only hurting your inner or outer self whether it is physically or mentally. In both

Macbeth by Shakespeare and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the author shows this quote to

be true.

I agree with this quote and I see it in my own life, on several instances throughout my life

I have seen me punish myself thinking I'm hurting other people, but ultimately I was just hurting

myself the most. One specific situation involves a fight my brother and once had, we stopped

speaking to each other and although I thought I was hurting him I was really just hurting myself

because you need to have a connection with your siblings. Also someone that you hurt will

remember that you hurt them and that may also hurt you later if you need something from them.

I think the rest of the world would also agree with this quote. There was a different

quote I once heard that would apply to this and it goes "You never regret the things you don't say."

This applies to the first quote because many people say hurtful things that they don't really mean in a

time of anger or in a heated argument and they realized not only have they hurt the other person,

they have hurt themselves.and most probably lost a meaningful relationship. So it's better to not have

said anything, not have hurt you or the other person and just keep the hurtful words to yourself.
In Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Mr. Darcy does no good for himself by...