What's All the Buzz About?

A Critical Analysis of “The Dish - What’s all the buzz about?”

This particular article may cause much speculation to what caffeine really is all about - maybe it isn’t that bad for us after all. Caffeine has become an everyday part of life, and this magazine article has set out to eliminate the myths of it. This essay will cover the following aspects of the article: The purpose of the text, the genre of this particular text, the generic structure of the text, the desired outcome for the text, the text position of the reader, the language strategies and techniques used in the text, and how the particular language used affects the text.
The purpose of this text is to create awareness around the topic of caffeine and to eliminate some of the myths surrounding it. Many of us are very ignorant about the substance. The extent of most of our knowledge only covers coffee, sodas, and energy drinks. The introduction of the text starts off with a basic question: Would one accept a steaming hot cup of 1.3.7 trimethyixanthine? Most people are obviously unaware that this would be the scientific name for caffeine and do not hesitate to say no. This text has been written to educate us.
The genre of a text describes what type of text it is. The type of text used in this article could possibly be persuasive (a non-fiction prose). It could also be seen as informative because even though it is able to provide us with the scientific name of caffeine, it’s relation to emetine, and suicide statistics of women who drink coffee, it has been written in a humorous way. Articles provide us with information on newsworthy topic. The writer has written the article in such a way that it is almost expected of the reader to believe what she is saying. The reader is expected to believe that all of the writer’s information and research is accurate. Persuasive text uses elements such as humour and symbols to promote validity. The text will achieve its desired outcome in the following way: It...