What Was the Situation for ‘Blacks’ in the Usa in 1945? (30 Marks)

The term ‘Blacks’ was/is used to describe people of African descent, and in this context refers to African-Americans, African Americans are people of African descent who reside in the USA and on the most part are U.S Citizens.                                                                                               In this essay I will discuss the situation and treatment of African-Americans in 1945 and compare the differences between the Northern and Southern States, and attempt to come up with a valid conclusion at the end.

How did African-Americans get to 1945’s America?
From the 15th century onwards white Europeans had really begun their ‘Europeanization’ of other continents, pre 1600 North America was still inhabited by Native Americans. However white immigrants began their colonisation of the North American continent, and in 1619 bringing ‘blacks’ with them to Virginia as the first African slaves. After this point the colonisation began increasing, spreading from the east side of America where the Europeans had first landed, across the U.S. In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written, freeing the American colonists from British rule. The declaration states that ‘…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…’ which ironically was not the case as slavery was legal and, not only that, some of the writers of the Declaration were themselves slave owners. In 1787 slavery was made illegal in the Northwest Territory, but the U.S constitution states that congress cannot ban the slave trade until 1808, then, in 1808 the importation of slaves from Africa was banned.
Between 1808 and around 1860 there are various attempts to have slavery banned in certain states (some successfully, others not), but really making little change to the situation. In 1861 the Confederacy is founded when the Deep South secedes, beginning the American civil war. The civil war took place over conflicting opinions on the matter of slavery, the...