What Makes Organisation Work

What makes organization work?, a question which was intriguing me all the time. After joining in the current job at Dr. Reddy’s Lab, straight from the college, I realized that organizations are made by the people for the people and of the people. I also learned that success of people surrounds three basic elements, one, good academic performance (makes one learn the basic principles); two, work experience (one applies the knowledge gained in class room); and three, applying modern management techniques (doing more efficiently).

  I had a satisfactory academic career, having received first division throughout studies, and was honoured as the stream topper at degree college. The current job has given me tremendous insight, as to how the organization works; I learned workplace discipline, interpersonal relationship, inter-departmental co-ordination, people management, project planning and implementation within the given resources and time. I felt that a formal management education will give me the required techniques and tools, to increase productivity – through better resources management, lower cost, material management, increased automation etc., human resources development – covering aspects of recruitment, training, employee motivation, rewards and punishment etc., efficient use of capital – by lower cost of borrowing, optimum use of capital etc.

  The ultimate goal of any Organisation is to make money; ‘values’, ‘vision’, ‘goals’ and ‘mission statement’ are merely jargons that corporate use. In my opinion while the organizations are making money, it cannot be at the cost of the society. Our existence depends on the society that we live in. I feel a formal management education will help me learn elements of corporate social responsibilities, community healthcare and economic upliftment of down-trodden, social and environmental impact of the projects, reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, exploring the frontiers of renewable energy on a commercial scale...