What Is Neuropathy?

What Is Neuropathy? Neuropathy Causes and Treatments
Rohit Pellai #4 Mrs. Smith 12/10/12

Neuropathy is a set of constraints that is the most common cause is damage to nerve axons. Neuropathy usually causes pain and numbness in hands and feet. This traumatic injury can cause, infections, metabolic disorders, and may result from exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes.
Who gets neuropathy?
People with diabetes who poorly control their blood sugar levels are very likely to suffer from some neuropathy. In addition, those who abuse alcohol or have vitamin deficiencies are at an increased risk. Neuropathy is also more likely to occur in people with kidney, liver or thyroid disorders
What are the symptoms of neuropathy?
Neuropathy symptoms depend on several factors; chiefly where the affected nerves are located and which type of nerves are affected. Motor nerve damage usually leads to symptoms that affect muscles such as muscle weakness, cramps, and spasms. Patients may find it difficult to walk or run, feel like they have heavy legs, stumble, or tire easily.
How is neuropathy diagnosed?
Neuropathy is often not easy to diagnose. It is not a single disease, but a symptom with often several potential causes. Blood tests are also common in order for doctors to measure levels of vitamin B-12. Other common tests include urinalysis and the thyroid function tests.
How can neuropathy be managed and prevented?
There are many ways to manage neuropathy and prevent its symptoms. Good foot health is important, especially for diabetics. People with neuropathy should check feet for blisters, cuts, or calluses and avoid tight fitting shoes and socks. People should also quit smoking and eat healthful meals. Finally, it is advised to avoid pressure on knees or elbows in order to prevent new nerve damage.
Can Neuropathy Be Cured?
Some types of neuropathy can be cured, most cannot.  However, many can be helped.  Therapy is directed at...