What Is a Social Ecological Perspective?

This essay will discuss what the term’ social ecological perspective’ is meant, and how it helps us understand and develop practice with children, young people and families ,also discus   some of the limitations within using   the perspective . The term’ social ecological perspective’, also known as a social ecological model, referred to as a web of relationships back in learning guide3 is a framework model of social sciences that describes how to examine individuals relationships at different levels, and how they are interwoven into their environment, then each in turn into their neighbourhood or community, and then in turn into their wider culture, economy, or society. Also it helps practitioners to examine factors that help and hinder regards to any one situation .The social ecological perspective is a good framework that supports practitioners alongside their other experiences and knowledge. The ecological perspective was initially presented by Urie   Bronfenbrener (1979) as a model examining the social influences upon children’s development. (Bronfenbrenner, u, (1979) ( The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design, Cambridge MA Harvard university press)   Bronfenbrenner’s   model is a map with a child at the centre, which is useful when explaining how each environment is interwoven, and how influences and relationships affect the human body .Bronfenbrenner   wished to illustrate how human development is influenced by the mutual influences and relationships within, and between the different systems or environments, including the following:
® A child’s own innate capabilities and their biological and genetic characteristics.
® The Stresses and supports of primary carers and extended family.
® The stresses and supports of direct (e.g. schools) and indirect (e.g. a parents workplace) contacts within a neighbourhood and community.
® The stresses and supports created through cultural beliefs, expectations and values at the societal level.