Was Slavery Abolished in the British Empire for Economic Reasons Rather Than Religious Reasons

Essay on why slavery was abolished in the British Empire for economical reasons rather than moral reasons-to what extent do i agree?
This essay explains why slavery was abolished in the British empire for economic rather than moral reasons and gives information and points out factors about the topic.
The hope for freedom for enslaved people had become almost nationwide. It was now pushed forward by a formal abolition campaign, as well as a coalition of non-conformist churches as well as evangelicals in the Church of England
The selling of slaves   was Britain’s most profitable trade during the 18 century. Between 1750 and 1780 about 70% of the governments total income from taxes   was on products from the slave trade.
Before the industrial revolution Britain relied heavily on slavery and   the sugar colonies were one of its most valuable trades.
After 1776 when America became an independent country Britain’s   trade in sugar, tobacco and cotton from colonies in the West Indies, Barbados and Jamaica   dropped dramatically.   This was because America could trade straight with the French and Dutch in the west indies for these products directly. Furthermore, as the industrial revolution started, Britain no longer needed to rely on slave based goods.
The large amounts of money that had came into Britain due to the slave trade and the produce from the industry had helped to finance the industrialization of britan.
This growth in industry became known as the industrial revolution.
Resistance by enslaved people
It has been estimated that the British took over 3.4 million people from Africa to the Americas throught the slave trade.
Slaves had resisted the whole thing since it all began. However the French revolution brought ideas of liberty and equality which inspired people like abolitionists seeking an end to slavery e.g. Toussaint L’Ouverture who led a revolt in Hati. Revolts followed in Demerara in 1882 and Barbados in 1816 The revolts...