Using Medical Terms

Looking at the anatomical parts of the cardi/o/vascul/ar system, we first have the heart. In many cases, one may think that the cardi/o/vascul/ar system would only consist of the heart\cardi, veins\ven, and capillaries for the blood to flow thru. However, the blood has a much larger job than just flowing through the body; it has to carry oxygen, nutrients, waste, and other particles from one place to another.
The entire human anatomy has to work together as a fine tuned and well-oiled machine in order to function properly, as every body part depends on another for one thing or another. The heart and veins do carry the blood to every part of the body, but the life giving fluid has to make a much needed pass through the lungs first too become oxygenated. With this being said I guess you could say the complete anatomy of the cardiovascular system consists of the trachea, bronch/i, pneumon\lungs, alveoli, heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. (Wingerd, 2006).

The heart and lungs are involuntary organs, which work on their own. As the lungs expanded, they pull air in and the force of the pumping cardi moves the flow of blood thru the capillaries as it mixes with the oxygen. Each time the heart beats or pumps moving this fluid, the lungs repeat its process. After the blood has been mixed with the oxygen, it travels thru the right and left pulmon/ary veins to the arteries and on to all the other parts of the body. As the blood reaches each of its locations, the arteries branch off into smaller body capillaries where it supplies these parts with proteins and oxygen, and carry out the waste products and carbon dioxide. The deoxygenated blood is then recycled, cleansed and the process is started all over again, (Wingerd, 2006).

Even though the heart pumps the blood to other parts of the body, we have to realize that the heart is also a living organ and has to have its own supply in order to function. The heart receives this supply by way of a small branch near...