Using Evidence

Supervision is both a process and an activity in which oneworker is given the responsibility by the organization to work with another worker(s) in order to achieve certain organizational, professional and personal objectives’ Supervision of staff is undertaken by the Care Manager or Senior Carer. It is important that Supervision is a two-way process.   Supervisors need to understand how to get their message across and how to listen to supervisees. Supervision is not just about the actual session or the process by which it is carried out, but is also about the quality of the relationship between the supervisor and supervisee. Trinity recognizes that supervision is an authority relationship in which the recognition of power dynamics and difference are crucial. It is in the interests of both the supervisor and supervisee to work towards establishing a purposeful relationship that develops honesty and trust and the recognition of individual needs. Trinity will ensure that all supervisors have the necessary knowledge and skills to supervise and will provide training as requires. All staff should have the opportunity to discuss with their manager their work performance and conduct whilst at work, individual and team morale, personal health, career aspirations and their contribution to individual, service and organizational development. The core objective for supervision are, to maintain and develop the quality of practice and service including direct observation of practice. To review the standards expected by Trinity. To review job descriptions and provide role clarity. To identify and provide feedback on strengths and areas to develop. To provide opportunities to discuss personal and professional development. To identify and access training and development needs. To provide a source of support recognising the considerable demands of the job. To validate the supervisee both as a professional and as a person. To identify how what they have learnt can be used both for the...