Unit Cu1531 Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Setting

Unit CU1531 Engage in Personal Development In Health, Social Care Or Children’s and Young People’s Setting

Outcome 1

I have worked with my current employer for one year. I work with clients with a learning disability, within a supported housing setting. My current job role is as a ‘care assistant’. I am responsible for providing support to the service user’s, which includes: Personal care, assisting with meal preparation, organising service user finances, assisting with meal planning, help promote independence, assisting to plan daily activities and trips out and maintaining records for service delivered.
I received an induction training course when I first joined the company, which provided specialised training relating to the learning disability sector. I receive regular supervision with my line manager, where I can discuss any problems, and get support. I can also request training, and my manager can highlight areas where she thinks I would benefit from further training in. I attend regular refresher courses in training, so that I am up to date with the current standards required for my role.
I treat all service users with respect and dignity, and my work practices reflect and promote equal opportunities. I have read, and understand my Company’s policies and procedures, and am aware of what to do in most circumstances, and the correct reporting/recording procedures to follow. I always work in a professional manner, and ensure all service user information is kept up to date, and confidential.

Practitioner’s expectations should be to become a valuable practitioner, to be reliable and build good relationships with the individuals/service users.
In my setting all policies and procedures are kept in the main office and are available to view at all times. It is very important that I am familiar with these policies and follow them at all times.
In my setting there is a safeguarding folder and it is my responsibility to read this file and keep up...