Unit 6 Health&Social Care L3

1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your own work role.
Duty of care in my role means a legal responsibility to adhere to a good quality and care for the vulnerable adults and children, look after their well-being and safeguarding.
Duty of care is applied as soon as someone receives care or treatment. Breaking this duty, could result in legal action. One of the important duties is to pass all the concerns fallowing the agreed ways of working. As a home carer my duty is to work with every individual and others workers with the community and look after them to fulfil their need.
For example: handling medication, cooking and food storage and others routine work which ensue the duty of care is in place.
Employers’ duty: It is duty of every employer to provide appropriate training for the staff, reducing identified risk, fallowing all safeguarding procedures.
It is my responsibility to avoid such acts that can result to injury, to prevent any mistakes, accidents and to ensure my role is carried out efficiently and safely along with correct policies and procedures of at work.
1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals.
A good attention and carefulness to avoid negligence, contributes for a good safety. Every individual has right to be treated with respect and to be safe. Carry out regular risk assessment; provide a safe environment and place which meets the individual’s needs.
All care workers who work with the young children’s should have a big attention because children do not develop skills to care themselves, However a good communication to explain about any possible harm can protect children.
It is important to keep accurate record for all care activities, promoting confidentiality and knowing what must be done for the individuals needs, it means a good protection and the quality of care at work.
I believe the best safeguarding can be possible just with the right training,...