Unit 504

Claire Davies
Unit 504 Develop health and safety and risk management policies procedures and practices in health and social care or children and young people’s settings
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main piece of legislation that ensures that work places and the staff are providing a safe working practice and to ensure that no one is put in any unnecessary danger, everything is as risk free as the workplace possibly can be. The employer, employees, and all individuals have a responsibility to make sure that safety is maintained. In order for staff to fully comply with the legislations in place, they should be provide with all mandatory training neede to carry out their roles within Beacon Lodge. The home is held accountable for the health and safety of everyone who enters the building, it is then the employee’s responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and anyone who may be affected by their actions. Senior staff are responsible for ensuring that staff have the adequate training or knowledge regarding all health and safety issues. In every work place there should always be a visible copy of the Health and Safety at Work Act. The act was put into place to control the use of dangerous substances, protect others from risk that may occur from any activities of people at work. The HSWA Executive along with other local authorities are legally responsible for enforcing the act along with a number of others i.e. –
  * RIDDOR – The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. This act sets out what needs to be reported I.e. Death and injuries caused by any work place accidents :-
Carcinogens, mutagens, and biological agents
Occupational diseases
Gas incidents
Dangerous occurrences
Specified injuries to employees
An accurate record should be kept of any reportable injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences, including the time, date and all relevant details of the individual affected.
  * COSHH – The...