Unit 4222-330 Introduction to Personalisation in Social Care

Unit 4222-330 Introduction to personalisation in social care Outcome 1 Understand the meaning of personalisation in social care The learner can: 1.1 define the term ‘personalisation’ as it applies in social care Personalisation is a social care approach described by the Department of Health as meaning that “every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings". Personalisation is often associated with direct payments and personal budgets, affording service users the choice of services that they receive. Personalisation comes is delivered with an ethos of tailoring to the needs of every individual, rather than ‘off-the-shelf, prescribed values. 1.2 explain how personalisation can benefit individuals Personalisation has significant implications for a service user; a personalised service involves the putting together of a care plan and will ideally improve aspects of holistic care, taking in to consideration the needs of carers and significant individuals in the service user’s life. It will normally entail contingencies in the care framework and provide for preventative and crisis management, reducing delays in the delivery of care and promote independence and self- management of one’s wellbeing 1.3 Explain the relationship between rights, choice and personalisation Personalisation is a social care approach described by the Department of Health as meaning that “every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings". http://www.communitycare.co.uk/articles/25/07/2012/109083/personalisation.htm Individuals have a right to access services via the NHS framework (as set out in the NHS Constitution http://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsandpledges/NHSConstitution/Pages/Yourrightstochoice.aspx) in which they are assessed on...