Unit 3 Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care Setting

Unit 3                          

Diversity means varied or different, so in a social care setting the importance of diversity means to recognise and respect the importance of people’s wishes and to treat them as individuals.
Equality means ensuring that everybody is entitled to equal rights and opportunities and therefore preventing discrimination.
Inclusion means to ensure that everybody is made to feel respected and has a sense of belonging. They should feel included and be able to actively participate in activities and be valued for who they are.
Discrimination means unfair or unequal treatment to ether an individual or a group on the grounds of race, age, sex, gender, disability, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. It means that they are treat less favourably than someone else in the same situation and unfairly disadvantaged or excluded.

Direct discrimination occurs when some one is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have. Indirect discrimination occurs when working practices and provision are put in place that disadvantage members of one group of people more than others i.e. maybe a particular ethnic group are given certain tasks and not others or women are allocated certain jobs whilst men take others.

Practices that promote diversity, equality and inclusion make for a cohesive working atmosphere in which everybody feels comfortable and able to talk to each other about any problems or concerns they have over performing a certain task which may go against their beliefs, values or preferences and therefore reducing the likelihood of others making them feel out of place and discriminated against.

Key Legislations include :
Health and social care act 2008
Equality act 2010
Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006
Mental health act 2007
Keys codes of practice include :
General social care council codes of practice