Unit 2 - M3

Unit2 – M3
By Jess Ross
Explain what problem/difficulties people may have in health and social care settings when trying to put anti discriminatory practise laws, rules and regulations in place.  
Conflict in personal beliefs and values
If people disagree in the law that is being promoted then this can make it harder to enforce as people may strongly object to it and therefore, it won’t be practised. An example of this is the promotion of the sex discrimination act, someone could disagree that man and women should be treated equally and this can cause the enforcement of the law to be more difficult as people are less likely to practise it or enforce it to a high standard if they are not passionate. Within a health and social care setting, a health professional may be discriminated due to their sex because a patient may say the law conflicts with their beliefs and values and can cause the patient’s health to suffer. However, if these conflicts of beliefs and values take place within a working environment the person can be disciplined and this will encourage the law to be enforced.
Lack of training
A health and social care professional, once fully qualified, still has to keep up to date with training and changes in policies and procedures. An example, of a changing policy is the introduction of the sex discrimination act; this means that if staff aren’t informed of these changes and trained in how to treat every patient equally, then the law won’t be enforced. If staffs aren’t trained correctly then they will be unable to make every patient’s experience fair and equal and this can result in their rights being infringed.
This is often needed for people who are too ill or frail to speak for themselves. This may cause problems when enforcing laws as people may be unaware of their rights or changes in policies. Within a health and social care setting a trained person will need to make people aware of their rights or changes of policies and...