Unit 13

Unit 3
a) The Children Act 1989 – Local authorities, courts and parents, together with other agencies in the UK were allocated duties to ensure children and young people are safeguarded, and to promote their welfare. The idea is that children and young people are best cared for within their own families, but provisions are made for those parents and families that are unable to co-operate with statutory bodies.
Any delays in the system when a child’s welfare is at risk will have detrimental impact on their wellbeing. The child’s welfare is paramount.
The child is listened to and their wishes are taken into account alongside physical and emotional needs, age, sex, background circumstances, the likely effect of the child and the harm suffered or likely to suffer. The parent’s ability to provide these needs to the child or young person and the powers available to the court are also a consideration.
Family links should be maintained, either through visits or other forms of contact. Both parents are important, and attachments should be respected, sustained and developed. The law does not distinguish between married and unmarried as long as both parents have a parental responsibility.
Young people under the age of 18 are classed as a child.

For those dealing with children and young people on a daily basis, the children’ activities must be planned to ensure learning and play is enjoyable whilst in a safe and secure environment. The ratio between staff and children must be adhered to under the act guidelines which are issued by the Department of Education and Employment. The welfare of the child is the priority, together with their rights and wishes, therefore good communication with the child, together with all those involved in their welfare must be carried out on a daily basis. Staff must be aware of how to report any concerns and follow the correct procedures. Social Workers are allowed under the Act to make enquires, and Police can take a...