Unit 10: Understand Child and Young Person Development

Unit 10: Understand Child and Young Person Development.

  1. Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19years.

      2.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years.
Each child is unique and will development at their own speed, in their own way.
From 0-3 years, physical development is quite fast. When new born, babies have very little control, during the first year they learn to control more and begin to move around. In their second year, they grow more quickly and are now walking and learning to climb onto things and to point at objects or something they want, they may start to recognise colours and begin to feed themselves. During their third year they will start to hold pencils and crayons and enjoy looking at books especially turning the pages. They’ll be running and walking with more confidence. From the earliest dates, adults will try to communicate with them, even though as babies they do not understand. It is important to stimulate babies. During this stage it is important for them to have a bond with adults, mainly parents. They may develop tantrums because they want to do or need to do things for themselves.
From 3-7 years, children will be more confident, their movements more co-ordinated, their skills will be more refined and their motor skills will be more controlled when cutting, writing and drawing. They will also be more confident in running, hopping and kicking a ball. They will start to become more sociable, more communicative and understand more about past and present tense. They will look for adult approval and their confidence in numbers and writing will increase. It is important that they know boundaries, they will play with peers and start to role play but will still need adult approval.
From 7-12 years, children will continue to grow and develop their skills. They may start to have hobbies or interests. Some movements may be finer controlled....