Unit 1

There are three different types of settings which provide care and education for children in a care setting which are a statutory sector, voluntary sector and a private sector. A statutory sector is a setting that is funded by the government. For example schools and NHS hospitals are funded by the government, these are called statutory sectors, it is funded by people who pay taxes this organisation aims to meet and supports children and their families needs by giving children a free education and it enables families with a low income to send their children to school for free. A voluntary sector also known as a community sector, is an organisation that is not funded by the government and also an organisation that does not make any profit or make a business out of it. An example of this is UNICEF or the NSPCC; they help children that do not have access to main basic health and education needs. Private sectors are a business that people make profit out of, it is the opposite of a statutory sector as a parent would have to pay to send their child to a private school. Private schools and nursery’s are examples or a private sector. These organisations are more for those parents who have high incomes to get their child a private education.
There are many laws and legislations that support children’s rights the main one in the UK is children’s act 1989. Legislation is something that can be defined as society’s rules on how we should behave to ensure people can live orderly and peaceful lives. Children’s act 1989 is the main law used by social workers. It sets out the rights of children under the age of 18. It is considered to support the principle that children have rights as in UNCRC 1989. This act looked forward to a position in which children were seen to have rights, with parents having responsibilities towards them rather than parents having rights and children being passive recipients of their care and control, The children’s act had key principles such...