Unit 1


Inclusive learning is about all learners regardless of ability having the opportunity to learn. They should be treated equally with nobody excluded.   To acknowledge the group is made up of individuals with different backgrounds and experiences.   Therefore it would be important to follow the individual learning plan for each learner.  

The teacher should use materials and resources that does not discriminate any group and should demonstrate equality and diversity. Teachers should consider visual, auditory and kinaesthetic styles and prepare the appropriate material and resources.   Inclusive teaching and learning helps the student to have a better chance in experiencing success in their course because their needs have been considered. The learner can undertake an assessment of their own skills for example through online services.

The barriers to learning are practical or material, structural and attitudinal.  
The strengths of teaching and learning approaches in my own area of specialism is that the limitations are that sometimes computers and other technical equipment may fail and therefore a powerpoint presentation may not be shown for example.   Using demonstration is a useful method of teaching as the teacher can model how something can be done, for example teaching dance steps which the learner observes and then copies. It also helps the group to work together to achieve a goal.  
It is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment because it will avoid discrimination and therefore encourage inclusion.   Effective models of inclusive education not only benefits learners with disabilities but also creates an environment where every student can flourish.   It is important to recognise that no two learners are alike and teachers should consider the different methods such as auditory, visual and kinaesthetic in order to enrich the educational experience for all learners and therefore increase student...