Unit 1 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

Unit 1: Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings
1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate:
  * To express the needs; to share ideas and information; to reasure; to express feelings; to build relationships; socialise; to askquestions; to share experiences.
  * People communicate in diffrent ways to express feelings, knowledge, emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued.
  * Communiction is an essential tool in care it helps all carers to communicate with other and service users. All carers do hand overs to inform one another what needs to be done and what has happened through out the day/week. It also ensures any health and safety issues are recognised and reported.
1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work:
  * Within care setting i communicate using: communictaion books, staff meetings, handover with colleagues, staff meetings, supervisions and service user meetings.
  * Effective communication is important as it ensures that all information is; clear, accurate, non- judgemental and informative. This is to reduce the possibility of mistakes or important information being missed or made, and ensuring appropriate care service delivered.

1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them
  * Communication is a 2-way process. It is not simply about sending a message, but also about knowing if the receiver has understood and processed the message properly. 
  * In face-to-face communication, the person listening may not always indicate verbally if they have understood or if they agree. Observing body language helps the speaker understand if the other person understands/agrees etc. 
  * Also, even if the other person replies verbally his or her body language may show that they have not really understood or agreed.
  * Observation helps understand the effectiveness of communication....