Unit 1 Nvq 3 Health and Social Care

Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice.
Write an explanation of:
  What it means to have a duty of care in one’s own work place
“Duty of care,
n the extent to which a healthcare provider must reasonably ensure that no harm comes to a patient under the provider's care.”
(Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.)
Duty of care is an obligation that a person has to ensure that no harm is done to people in your care; if this duty of care is not met you are held accountable for the negligence which has occurred. All health and social care organisations must ensure that there staff are professionals put the best interests of service users health, safety and wellbeing as a priority to protect them and keep them safe from harm in all aspects of care, this includes:   maintaining confidentiality, reporting concerns (both about service users and colleagues/ other professionals) and maintaining high standards of conduct; it is what underlies the Code of Practice on day to day working practice. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure that a duty of care is implemented and carried out in working practice; this is a legal obligation which if not implemented into your working practice could be classed as negligence or malpractice which is a breach of duty. Duty of care is not just having correct working practice but also to maintain confidentiality of both service users and staff and not doing anything which could put them at risk. In my working role I have to think of duty of care when planning care taking everyone’s best interests into consideration. Other ways I implement duty of care into my working practice is to carry out daily checks to ensure the working environment is safe both for service user and employees. Duty of care also involves being aware of potential hazards, preventing mistakes/ accidents from occurring and making competent and informed decisions in the role.
  How duty of care...