Unit 1- Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

Unit 1- Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings
1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate
People communicate so that they are able to share information to people, like if they are able to confirm in the information given and if that they are able to given new information like if they have pain in their leg, they would need to give information to the carer so that they check the right leg. To express feelings, like colleagues that have known each other along time they will be able to express feelings or friendship, to be able to build relationships, like doctor patient relationship.
1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work
Communication affects all aspects of work as if we were not able to communicate to each other than in the surgery we wouldn’t be able to understand why patients have come in to the surgery to see the doctor or to make an appointment. Communicate allows us to talk to the patients to make sure that they are okay and to make sure that there is everything is alright when we are giving them something, but communication also allows us to talk to colleagues who are up stairs, by email, or phone and get information quickly so that we can help the patients to the best of our ability. Communication also allows us to respond in the best way to what someone is saying to us, and to give them the correct information so that they can feel safe in the hands of people who have to know all about their history and what problems they have.
1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reaction when communicating with them
It is important to observe an individual’s reaction because they may give extra information to what they are talking about, but also by reading people’s body language and facial expressions they will be able to tell when people either need comforting or if they are going to hit you then you will be able to respond in the correct...