Undertand the Impact of Acquired Brain Injury Level 5

Understand the impact of acquired brain injury on individuals

      1.1 Define Acquired Brain injury

An acquired Brain injury is damage to the brain which is done after birth and is not a consequence of a congenital or degenerative disease. This could be temporary or a permanent impairment and could cause a partial or functional disability. A acquired brain injury could also cause a change in personality or psychological changes that may sometimes improve but will impact of daily living and relationships.

      1.2 Describe possible causes of acquired brain injuries

Possible causes of acquired brain injuries are: a traumatic force to the head which would cause damage to the brain for example car crash, gunshot to the head, objects falling on to someone’s head, falls and an assault. A stroke, embolism, blood clots (thrombosis), Aneurysms. Could be bleeding on the brain caused by brain surgery, a haemorrhage, or a haematoma, a lack of blood and oxygen to the brain caused by near drowning, cardiac arrest, drug overdoses or asphyxia.
Acquired brain injuries can also be caused through infections of the brain, exposures to toxic substances like carbon monoxide, breathing in toxic chemicals for a period of time,   sniffing solvents e.g. glue, long term or excessive drug and or alcohol abuse, fluid build-up and brain tumours of varying degrees.

      1.3 Explain the difference between a traumatic brain injury and other forms of acquired brain injury.

A traumatic brain injury is a sudden physical damage to the brain which may be caused by the head forcefully hit an object such as a car dash board or by an object passing through to the brain such as a bullet from a gunshot to the head. There are several different causes for traumatic brain injury but the most common are motor vehicle accidents, gunshot wounds, falls, sports injuries, violent crimes, assaults and child abuse.
Other forms of Acquired brain injuries are due to factors that are out of our...