Understanding Sensory Loss

There are many factors that can impact on an individual with sensory loss. In lots of case sensory loss is hidden from family and friends and work colleagues who are usually unaware of the person’s sensory loss. This may cause social isolation and frustration for the individual involved. This is usually down to not being able to communicate their needs effectively.
  People with sensory loss do have a lot of issue surrounding communication. This is down to being unable to communicate their day to day needs and they can become very anxious and stressed due to being unable to make their needs known. A simple activity like watching television which everybody takes for granted could cause anxiety and agitation to someone with sensory loss. Imagine how frustrated you would feel at not being able to use the telephone or join in on a conversation. This could cause a person with sensory loss to feel inadequate. A person that suffers with a sensory loss of sight can become frustrated due to being able to communicate their needs but unable to put a face to the person they are communicating with. This could cause inferiority complex and social withdrawal. These factors become worse if they have a dual sensory loss. Additional hearing loss and face to face communication can lead older people to lose interest in day to day activities. This can have a dramatic affect on their day to day life as they lose their lack of independence and become reliable on others.
  The attitudes and beliefs of society on individuals with sensory loss, can affective the individual in a negative way. Society often believe that an individual with sensory loss also lack the understanding to retain information which is given them. Some people will automatically raise their voices when talking to someone with a visual impairment.  
  Sight can help us perceive the world through image, motion and colour.   The term sight loss is used to describe those who are ‘blind’ and can’t see at all as well as...