Understanding Roles, Resposbilities and Relationships in Educaiton and Training

Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships
in Education and Training

Based in Newport, South Wales, Charter Housing is part of the Seren Group and provides social housing across Newport, Monmouthshire, Caerphilly and Torfaen.   The Growing Together project sits within the Community Regeneration team, whose primary purpose is to provide appropriate support, advice and guidance to our more vulnerable tenants to enable them to become independent and positively contribute to the communities in which they live.  

The Growing Together project is funded by the National Lottery and provides a range of individualised support for young single parents aged 14 to 25 years.   This includes accredited and unaccredited courses ranging from personal skills such as confidence, self esteem and positive communication; practical skills such as DIY, upcycling and cooking; digital skills; and employability skills such as time management and team working.

The purpose of this assignment is to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the roles, responsibilities and key relationships within an educational or training setting.   This will ensure that that the project considers key factors such as professional boundaries, legislation and equality and diversity to provide a professional, fair and equitable programmes to the projects participants.

Own roles and responsibilities (1.1, 1.4)
The roles and responsibilities of a tutor start with the learning cycle, which begins with identifying needs both of the participants and the organisation.  

The tutor should consider any available data from the relevant sector, information from partner organisations, the available funding, competency of staff and relevant legislation to ensure the course offered is beneficial to the learners, financially viable and ran by appropriately qualified staff. (Life Long Learning UK, 2009)

Once this has been completed the role of the tutor moves to understanding the participants and...