Understanding Management Define Key Features of Team Performance


‘Unit 531– ‘Understand how to manage a team’

What is meant by management describe shortly Reflect on what you do.
[1.1] [1.2]
1 Understand the attributes of effective team performance.
1.1 Define key features of effective team performance.   1.2 Compare the models used to link individual roles and development with team performance.

1.1 Define key features of effective team performance
A good working team will have a variety of skills to bring to their working environment aiding their performance.   Good communication, empathy, patients with each other, are a good starting point knowledge of their job and a specific goal or task to work towards, training updated to enhance their skills.
Each member of the team should be encouraged to attribute something honing in on their particular strengths, assisting the team to enhance its productivity and performance.
  I do my best to acknowledge each members skills and use appropriately within the work place. I like to encourage team members to share tools and knowledge to enhance theirs and others performance, this helps to instil a good understanding of each other’s strengths and weakness within my team.  
During our team meetings I actively encourage productive criticism by allowing individuals to let me know how they do certain tasks and what works best for them as this is often different from another member of staff but can have the same outcome. When starting a new task with my client I relay by talking personally to my staff how this task should be completed.   I also ask members of the team to shadow each other especially if they are unsure of the task.
One member of my team gets on particularly well with our client and in-stills confidence in him.   When a new task is put into place to assist with my clients progression I would ask her to complete the task with the client first seeing if she can find room for improvement and use her skills with him to develop a way in which he will...