Understand the Term Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Assignment 2 (level 3)
Understand the term Autistic Spectrum Disorder
When it comes to researching a definition for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) it appears that there are so many variants, beliefs, and theories that authors are reluctant to formalise their view and give a definition, but would rather detail examples of child case studies in order to justify the vast range in characteristics ASD displays.   Alternatively, they rely on quoting and analysing past theorists or referring to current national bodies. I have decided to choose the most recent definitions I could find as ASD is a condition which is constantly being understood and re-evaluated.
The National Autistic Society describes autism in the following way:
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. It is part of the autism spectrum and is sometimes referred to as an autism spectrum disorder, or an ASD. The word 'spectrum' is used because, while all people with autism share three main areas of difficulty, their condition will affect them in very different ways. Some are able to live relatively 'everyday' lives; others will require a lifetime of specialist support.
The three main areas of difficulty which all people with autism share are sometimes known as the 'triad of impairments'. They are:
  * difficulty with social communication
  * difficulty with social interaction
  * difficulty with social imagination  
(according to the National Autistic Society 2010)
This is an especially reader friendly, clear, concise, yet formal definition explaining the extensive variants of ASD.   It includes the fact that it is a lifelong condition and doesn’t focus solely on the negatives.   My one dislike is that I personally prefer to use the word difference or disorder instead of disability, as to me, too many negative stereotypes are attached to the word ‘disability’ and instantly shouts out ‘can’t do’.
My next definition was found in a book I was recommended when I began working in schools as...