Understand the Role of Social Care Worker

Understand the role of the social care worker
1 Understand working relationships in social care settings
      1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different to a personal relationship.
A personal relationship with someone is something you have both chosen to be part of and there are no written rules as such to adhere to. These can take many forms foe example such as close friends, groups and family or distant relatives and colleagues. However when it comes to working relationships there are boundaries set and you must accept that you are there for a reason and although you may be friends with colleagues and the people you support you have policies and procedures to follow to maintain a professional working relationship.
      1.2 Describe different working relationships in social care settings.
There are many different working relationships we need to interact with for example: other staff members, service users and their families, professional services, managers, doctors and hospital services.
  1 Understand the importance of working in ways that are agreed with the employer.
      2.3 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role.
The reason it is important to follow the rules of your job role is that you are accountable for your actions and responsible for the tasks you have been trained to do. This is your contract between you and your employer and your job description should specify their expectations of you, which you should not exceed without proper training and supervision.
      2.4 Outline what is meant by agreed ways of working.
Following your company policies and guidelines, adhering to their codes of practice, following care plans, keeping up to date with training and keeping your own practices within your own job description.
      2.5 Explain the importance of full up to date details of agreed ways of working.
As support works it is important to us that we are kept up to date at all times and that we...