Understand the Importance of Teamwork

Unit 7 – Understand the work of the team
3.1 Describe why teamwork is important in schools
Team work in schools is important as it ensures that everyone will have a role and understand what that role is. Understanding that role allows tasks to be implemented efficiently and ensures a standard is set and maintained for everyone. Teamwork also encourages a supportive network throughout the class or school so that all key people are aware of what is planned and can support in the event of necessity, such as illness. Working in a team also allows you to observe how other people work, and how you can take those skills and adapt them to your own style. Knowing other peoples skills also allows you to plan more effectively by understanding what they can contribute to. For example at Forest School, each team member has a part to play to get 45 children organised, including toilet visits, dressing in water proof clothing and getting ready to leave the classroom. Each team member is aware of their role on that journey.  
3.2 Describe the purpose and objectives of the team in which they work.
The purpose of forest school is to provide an opportunity for learning through interactive experience away from the classroom. It gives the children a chance to get involved in outdoor activities and understand more about nature in a safe environment. For example the objective of getting from the class to the Forest School site is controlled by each team member having a role to ensure that from leaving the classroom to reaching the Forest School area, all the children are accounted for and know their boundaries, but are then free to explore within them.   The children are asked to line up within their classes (rhinos and tigers) and the assistants complete a count of children before leaving the foundation stage playground, and then again on arriving at the site to ensure everyone is accounted for.   From there, one member leads the group opening gates, one is at the end securing gates,...