Understand Mental Health Problems

Unit 20 understand mental health problems.

1.Know the main forms of mental ill health.

1.1 The main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric classification system are:-

•Mood disorders, these are mental health problems such as depression, bipolar or mania.

•Personality disorders, are conditions when an individual differs significantly from an average person in terms of how they think, feel or behave to others.

•Anxiety disorders, are when an individual has feelings of unease, such as worry or fear these can be mild or severe.

•Psychotic disorders, these are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. Schizophrenia is one psychotic disorder. Individuals with bipolar may also have psychotic symptoms. Most who have a psychotic disorder loose contact with reality.

•Substance related disorders, are disorders of dependence, dependence of alcohol or substances like drugs. (both legal and illegal drugs) These disorders can lead to societal problems.

•Eating disorders, are characterised by an abnormal attitude to food that causes that person to change their eating habits and behaviour.

•Cognitive disorders are a category of mental health disorders that primarily affect learning, memory, perception and problem solving, including amnesia, dementia and delirium.

1.2 The key strengths and limitations of the psychiatric classification system are:-

•Strengths- It is a well designed standard and comprehensive diagnostic tool for clinicians and proves a well designed standard. It allows clinicians to look at the complete psychological makeup of the patient.

•Limitations - The DSM uses a categorical approach vs a dimensional approach to personality disorder diagnosis. The DSM does not account for the relative importance of various symptoms. This means that patients diagnosed with the same disorder may have very dissimilar clinical presentations of symptoms.

1.3 There...