Understand Child & Young Person Development

Unit 1-Understand Child & Young Person Development


0-3 years

Physical Development – At 3 years of age, growth is steady though slower than in first 2 years, legs grow faster than arms, baby fat begins to disappear.
Motor Development - Can jump from low step, can stand up and walk around on tiptoes, baby teeth stage is over, can run, climb and walk upstairs. Needs minimal assistance whilst eating, throws a ball, holds crayons or pencils, making horizontal, vertical and circular strokes. Can turn pages on a book, enjoys building blocks. Washes and dries own hands and can brush own teeth. By the age of 3, usually has complete bladder control.
Cognitive Development - At the age of 3, listens attentively to age-appropriate stories and can make relevant comments during stories. Likes to look at books. Speech is understandable and can use expanded noun phrases. Begins to answer simple questions relating to familiar objects and events.

3-7 years

Physical Development – By the age of 7, the child may appear lanky or long limbed, gain weight due to increase in muscle mass, heart rate and respiratory rates are close to adults, baby teeth begin to be replaced by permanent teeth, 20/20 eyesight
Motor Development   - At the age of 7, the child has good hand-eye coordination and this is becoming even more refined, the child will be much more able to write and draw with control and precision. Seven-year-olds can perform more difficult movements such as standing in one place while twisting, turning, or spinning. They can combine motor skills such as running and kicking a ball or performing dances to music. A 7-year-old child will also be able to ride a bicycle without any aid. Can tie shoe laces.
Cognitive Development – By the age of 7, the child is curious about the world around them. They will ask questions and seek answers about the things they encounter and the people they meet. Uses language rather than tantrums or physical aggression to express...