Truth in Julius Caesar

Conflicting perspectives only serve/s to teach us that there is no such thing as truth
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar serves to teach us that there is truth, although depending on the situation is may be absolute or subjective. For example the truth about whether an action is right or wrong is subject to a person’s perspective; however, there is always an absolute truth about what an action was. This is evident throughout the play regarding different events, such as Caesar’s death and Cassius acceptance of bribes.
In regards to Caesar’s death we are presented with the two conflicting perspectives of Brutus and Antony. Shakespeare conveys to the audience Brutus’ perspective that Caesar’s death was an honourable and noble, against the contrasting perspective of Antony, that Caesars death was unnecessary and erroneous. Brutus’ view is conveyed through the use of pathetic fallacy, as he sorts through his thoughts whilst the story weather thunders above him, portraying him as deeply troubled, showing that his decision was not made light heartedly. The metaphor “Think of him as a serpents egg which hatched would as his kind grow mischievous” is then used to express his final decision to have Caesar assassinated along with his reasoning that he must be dealt with before he becomes out of control to the viewers. This portrays how Brutus sincerely believes that his actions were for the good of Rome. Antony’s view is conveyed through his soliloquy directly after his talk with the conspirators following Caesar’s death, creating contrast between his views with those of the conspirators. Within Antony’s soliloquy he refers to Caesar as “the noblest man that ever lived in the tide of times”. The use of hyperbola highlights how Antony respected Caesar and saw him as a fit ruler for Rome, hence portraying that he saw Caesars murder as an inappropriate and redundant course of action. Even though Brutus and Antony have different views regarding the truth about the weather Caesar was...