
‘A sense of belonging can emerge from connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world’
How have the texts you have studied demonstrated the truth of this statement?
In your answer, refer to your TWO prescribed texts and ONE other suitable related text of your own choosing.  

  1. General sentence (optional): This sentence makes a general statement about the concept ‘belonging’

  2. Topic sentence (compulsory): This sentence refers to the question.
For example:
The texts I have studied demonstrate that ‘a sense of belonging can emerge from connections made with people, places, groups, communities and the larger world’.  
  3. List sentence(s): List the topics you intend to write about in a logical order – a “road map” for the writer and reader
For example:
List the texts you will discuss, that is, The China Coin by Allan Baillie, Educating Rita by Willy Russell and your related text and briefly outline how you will address the specific question.  

Each paragraph has a beginning, middle and end
  1. Topic sentence which outlines the subject matter of the paragraph

  2. Expand with further statements:

T Technique
E Example
E Explain Link the technique to the question on belonging

Example techniques from The China Coin:
  * First person, Second person, Third person narration
  * Dialogue
  * Internal monologue
  * Hyperbole
  * Rhetorical questions
  * Italics
  * Emotive language: words with negative and positive connotations
  * Flashbacks

You must have at least one paragraph for each prescribed text and at least one paragraph on your additional text(s).   Use linking words to make connections between paragraphs for the responder.

Composers explore different aspects of the belonging concept and use different techniques to achieve their purposes therefore in your essay you must COMPARE texts by using...