Tools Analysis

Tools & Techniques for Process Improvement
Understanding processes so that they can be improved by means of a systematic approach requires the
knowledge of a simple kit of tools or techniques. The effective use of these tools and techniques requires
their application by the people who actually work on the processes, and their commitment to this will only
be possible if they are assured that management cares about improving quality. Managers must show they
are committed by providing the training and implementation support necessary.
The tools and techniques most commonly used in process improvement are:

Problem solving methodology, such as DRIVE
Process mapping
Process flowcharting
Force field analysis
Cause & effect diagrams
Pareto analysis
Statistical process control (SPC)
Control charts
Check sheets
Bar charts
Scatter diagrams
Matrix analysis
Dot plot or tally chart

DRIVE is an approach to problem solving and analysis that can be used as part of process improvement.




the scope of the problem the criteria by which success will be measured and
agree the deliverables and success factors
the current situation, understand the background, identify and collect information,
including performance, identify problem areas, improvements and “quick wins”
improvements or solutions to the problem, required changes to enable and
sustain the improvements
check that the improvements will bring about benefits that meet the defined
success criteria, prioritise and pilot the improvements
plan the implementation of the solutions and improvements, agree and implement
them, plan a review, gather feedback and review
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One of the initial steps to understand or improve a process is Process Mapping. By gathering information
we can construct a “dynamic”...