To what extent did Ireland lose economically more than it gained from its connection with Britain from 1800-1914?
Throughout out the 19th century, Ireland were influenced by Britain, it gained more from the church and land reforms such as the Church Act and Windom’s Land Act because of its special relationship with Britain. It also felt the effects of this connection through downfalls like the Act of Union, potato blight and the repeal of the Corn Law. The unsuccessful but also profitable economical causes both had a humongous effect on Irish people and their way of life was altered.
The Act of Union not only meant free trade between the Ireland and Britain but also gave the Irish people a figure to blame if worst come to worst. The act would enable the British government to assume responsibility for the defence of Ireland against rebellion and foreign invasion. Irish people will have felt like they were supported especially as this was a time when many Irishmen were already concerned with the hardships of their daily lives. The alliance between Irish and British people would mean that Irishmen would be able to benefit from a wider British economy just like the Scottish had done, and be able to pocket the advantages of economic growth and prosperity back in their own country. The Act didn’t have much success as Irish industries had no chance of competing effectively with those in Britain. British businessmen refused to invest in Ireland because they thought of their economy as a dead end with no money making power. Many Irishmen saw the unity of British and their country as a political experiment that solved none of the grievances in Ireland over land, religion or politics, neither Pitt or the public saw the Act of Union as a solution to the Irish problem. He knew that social and economic reforms were essential to get Ireland back on her feet.
Britain's fast-growing population was making the country a food importer rather than exporter and the French wars...