
This assignment will summarise key ideas and shape the role of a hospital patient, as outlined in section 4:2 of the learning guide, "Being a hospital patient." (Open University, 2014)
A hospital is a place where sick people go when they become extremely unwell. The hospital environment is largely influenced by the biomedical model, meaning that the patients condition takes priority. A hospital can also offer a wide range of intricate equipment. So, what's it like to be a patient in this type of setting?
Patients and their family members can be affected greatly by a hospital admission. They may be unaware why they have been admitted; therefore this can be a very confusing and upsetting time for them. Understanding why, can also be difficult, and therefore lead to feelings of anxiety and frustration. Furthermore, complicated decisions about the patient are made on their behalf by the health care professionals. This can leave the patient feeling helpless and at times devastated with the decisions that are made for them.
Being admitted to hospital is the result of having become very ill. They now require secondary care from a specialist team. They have taken on the sick role in its most severe arrangement. This is a very daunting time for a patient and they must remove themselves from normal day to day life. Choice and decisions that you make freely, such as what and when you eat are made on your behalf. Other things like personal care tasks, such as showering and toileting, may also be handed over to healthcare professionals, as you may now require additional assistance in these areas.
Throughout the stay, multiple health care professionals are introduced to the patient, one after another. They can perhaps make the patient feel inadequate and incompetent, which would result in a feeling of loss in identity. The patient may just feel like someone with an illness, they may lose their self-worth and their illness defines who you are, forgetting the person that they...