Tma 6

Language, Literacy and ICT

1.The Children

I have recently been supporting and working with a group of four children that include three boys and a girl, all aged five years.   I supported them on learning the alphabet and understanding the sounds each letter represents as well as learning to recognise and name each letter. “The ABC’s are the building block of language.”

The four children are all of the same level as each other and start to understand the alphabet by linking this with songs.   The teacher has put this group of children together as they work well and support each other to get the task completed.   The group are all slightly behind the appropriate stage for the curriculum for excellence than the rest of the class.   This activity is appropriate in keeping up the pace of work for each child.

2.Focus for Support

The children’s current learning needs are to learn the alphabet while understanding the sounds each letter represent and learning this through a variety of different experiences.   One of which is to combining language and literacy with information communication technology.   The focus of support in this activity will also be on the co-operative learning on how to work together, take on different roles and how to value the difference of opinions and ideas of others.

For this activity the children will be learning how to use a digital camera that will focus on I.C.T, while also using language and literacy to learn sounds and words associated with the alphabet.

I feel this activity is supported by Bruner (1915), scaffolding theory “each child has ownership of the learning event”. (

As I am allowing each child to make their own contribution towards the activity, the children are also sharing responsibility in helping each other as also mentioned in Bruner’s scaffolding theory.

3.1 Overall content of the activity

The activity is making an alphabet book and starts with the...