Tma 01 Db123

1 (d): Compare the percentage of children living in lone mother households with those living in lone father households between 1998 and 2008. Comment on how this difference may have changed. (5 marks)
From the table we can see that in 1998, lone mother that had 1 dependant child was at 6%, with 2 or more being at 13%. In the same category, lone fathers had a 1% share in both family types respectively. We can see in 2008, their has not been any change compared to 1998 in the percentage share for lone fathers.  
Lone mothers with 1 dependant child increased by 1% from 1998 to 2008. In the same period, mothers with 2 or more dependant children decreased by 1%. This swapping of percentage points may be in relation to the higher living and bring up cost of children between these years .

1 (e): Now look at lone mothers: Compare the percentage of children living in households with one dependant child only with those living with two or more dependant children. (5 marks)
Lone mothers with one dependant child fluctuate from 6% to 8% over a 10 year period. This is an average of 7%. This compared to lone mothers with 2 or more children were significantly lower. In this group the lowest was 12%, with the highest point reaching 15%. This range is larger compared to the other group, with an average of 14%. You would conclude over a ten year that the amount of lone mothers with 2 or more dependants was double that of the other group .