Tibet and Dalai Lama

The reliability of Source A can be perceived in several approaches.
Source A is a speech made on the 51st anniversary of the 1959 March 10th Tibetan National Uprising Day, in Dharamsala, India. It was written and spoken by the well-known Dalai Lama, who was once the ex-ruler of Tibet both religiously and temporally. Even though this primary source legitimately enhances the reliability in its source type, it is undeniably one-sided as the Dalai Lama was once the spiritual leader of Tibet in the Sino-Tibetan problem. This detracts the reliability, as the Dalai Lama would try his best to preserve Tibet’s culture, religion and national identity as a leader; as well as expressing his strongly disappointing viewpoints against China. Despite his passive belief of non-violence in Buddhism, his peaceful approach towards the issue is still fairly unreliable. No matter how trustworthy a person is, their viewpoints would always be beneficial and slightly biased to whatever they are supporting or protecting in a particular situation; in this case he is doing it for Tibet and its people (QUOTE). To further reduce the source’s reliability, it can be seen that the Dalai Lama is trying to gain international appeal and sympathy from the world (QUOTE). As its audience is targeted at the general public of Tibetans and most importantly to the world media, this subjective source displays emotional and personal aspects from the Dalai Lama. Though this produces a strong persuasion towards the audience, people are easily manipulated with their sympathy towards Tibet, rather than factual evidences.
Source A is not considered reliable; even though the source type is reliable, it diminishes its reliability by its context and motives.