Three Securities

March 8, 2013
Three Securities
I like the idea of security because in my mind it’s such an important part of every one’s life. When I get into my car and put on my seat belt I feel secure. When I lock the car door I feel even more secure. When I am with my wife and children I feel the emotional security that my family provides. And when I’m working and bring in a paycheck I am providing the financial security that my family needs. In a way when I put these things together I can come up with a fantasy picture of an old style barbarian warrior standing on a hill. He has a chest of gold to provide financial security, a sword in his hand to provide physical security, and his woman at his side who provides emotional security.
      I think that in today’s world financial security is so impotent. It would be nice to be able to buy what I want, when I want, and not to have to worry about where the money will come from. But I do not believe that is the case for most people at this time. With the economy in such a rut right now, and people losing their jobs, financial security is hard to come by for a lot of people. For example I lost my job six months ago and went through all my savings just to live. Now I’m living on unemployment and it’s tough to make ends meet. It would be nice to have some more money set aside. I haven’t had to get into my 401K and I’m hoping not to. I would like to keep that for my retirement which is one of the biggest parts of financial security in my point of view. To be able to retire and not have to worry about money is still a dream of mine.
      In the really olden days men and some women would wear a sword, and use it to provide physical security for themselves and their family. But in the modern world things are a lot different, if a person was wearing a sword they would probably be arrested and go to jail. But there are other types of physical security that is needed, when I get into a car I put on my seat belt, when I get on a plane I...