Three Cups of Tea Dialectical Journal

Dialectical Journal: Three Cups of Tea
By Greg Mortenson and David Relin

Introduction:   In Mortenson’s Orbit
“In this impoverished community of mud and stone huts, both Mortenson’s life and the lives of northern Pakistan’s children changed course.”
(e) The co-author is probably said that after their failed attempt to climb K2, they went to the village of Korphe, Mortenson and the children of that village lives where improved.
Chapter 1 : Failure
“Reaching into the pocket of his shalwar, he fingered the necklace of amber beads that his little sister Christa had often worn.”

(p) Something probably happened to his little sister Christa and he was probably going doing something for her.
Chapter 1 : Failure
“He would scale K2, the summit most climbers consider the toughest to reach on Earth, and leave Christa’s necklace there at 28,267 feet.”
(cl) His sister did die, so in honor of her he was going to leave her necklace at the top of the mountain.
Chapter 2: The Wrong side of the river
“ Thinking he was still on the correct trail, he assumed he was approaching Askole, which he’d passed through three months earlier on his way to K2, but nothing looked familiar.”
Pg. 24 (p) They probably went the wrong way or went to the wrong village. I can also infer this by the chapter’s title.
Chapter 3: Progress and Perfection
“ There was a much more
meaningful gesture he could make in honor of his sister’s memory” “ I’m going to build you a school” Pg.33 (r) Mortenson thinks of his sister, Christa, when he sees the hardships of the villagers. He learns that the village has no school and cannot afford the equivalent of one dollar a day to pay a teacher, but the children try to study on their own. After watching them use sticks to scratch math problems on the ground, He is deeply moved. He decides that helping Korphe would be a can tribute to Christa and promises Haji that he will return and build a school
Chapter 4: Self-storage  