Thesis E-Gadgets

In the age of booming technology, elcetronic gadgets will help a lot especially in our academic endeavors. We can gain more skills and knowledge using electronic gadgets and because of that, there are lots of benefits using e-gadgets.
“Profiling is very heavily today” (Hadnagy, 2011, pg.23). We live with the different e-gadgets with different usage and with different desires. Electronic gadgets or “E-Gadgets” are created to fulfill the needs of man especially students for communication and academic purposes. We cannot deny deny the fact that we are almost in tipping point of the technology age.
In acquiring knowledge and information, we no longer simply rely on thick bumpy books to know how Albert Eistein define the Theory of Relativity, with just one click, there comes a thousand of information. (Tech Innovation, 2012). Students can gather information in an article online, watching videoon YOUTUBE or play interactive games like that in Encarta with so many technological options are available, the chances for IT student success significantly (Tech Innovation, 2012, pg.37).
This study focuses on the effect of the e-gadgets to the academic performance of the students. This will in effort show the advantage and or disadvantage if there are any of e-gadgets in relation to dealing with school-related activities.

Statement of the Problem
The general problem of the study is: How do the E-gadgets affect the academic performances of the freshman IT students in ICI College?
Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:
  1. What are the e-gadgets commonly used among IT students dealing with school related activities:
      1.1 Laptop
      1.2 Cell phone/ Smart phones
      1.3 Tablet
      1.4 Desktop Computer
  2. How often do students use these e-gadgets?
      2.1 Very Seldom
      2.2 Seldom
      2.3 Sometimes
      2.4 Often
      2.5 Very Often...